In this episode, Denis delves into the diverse world of leadership and entrepreneurship with three distinct guests. Jason Radisson, a serial entrepreneur and founder of Movo, recounts his rise to leadership through early job experiences, structured mentorship, and self-driven learning, emphasizing the significance of seizing opportunities and building networks. Valerie Trapunsky, transitioning from a personal assistant to the founder of ChatterBoss, shares her journey in the world of A-list celebrities and how mastering the art of delegation led her to establish a remote executive assistant service. Lastly, we hear from Wendy H. Steele, a former banker turned nonprofit leader who climbed the corporate ladder to senior vice president and then shifted to philanthropy, founding Impact 100. She highlights her journey of empowering women in community involvement and the unique challenges of female leadership in corporate and nonprofit sectors.

Join us as we explore these varied paths to leadership and the impactful lessons each journey offers.

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